Saturday, 17 March 2012

Does This Authorize What I Think It Does?

Apparently, President Obama likes to hide things in what many like to call "the Friday news dump," just like he did with the fact that his supposed "accomodations" on the HHS Mandate problem were nothing but hot air, because just hours after declaring them in a press junket, he published the Mandate "without change." This new executive order is particularly troubling. As far as I can tell, it says that the Federal Government may seize basically anything whatsoever from anyone at any time. It speaks very frequently of the national defence, but one provision is especially telling:
Section 201(b) "The Secretary of each agency delegated authority under subsection (a) of this section (resource departments) shall plan for and issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources and establish standards and procedures by which the authority shall be used to promote the national defense, under both emergency and non-emergency conditions."
Section 201(a) delineates which department heads have the authority to seize which assets and properties from the American people. Note the last phrase above: "under both emergency and non-emergency conditions." Meaning, even when no State of Emergency has been declared, they can cease anything "to promote the national defense."
Maybe I'm reading this wrong; I hope I am. But if I'm not, Obama's not settling for just taking some of our freedoms away, like the free exercise of religion, etc. No, he's setting up the chess board to take them all away. Please, someone, correct me. Tell me I'm being paranoid and extremist.
I considered posting this link to Facebook, and one of the images allowed me to tack onto the post was an Obama campaign pic with the slogan, "We can't wait." "We can't wait," indeed. But for what? For the American people to vote, because he can't afford to pass up this opportunity to claim the total dictatorship of America? Once again, I really, really, really, really hope I'm wrong here, but this sure looks a lot like the way Caesar Augustus set up the chess board before having himself declared Emperor of Rome for life...

Jackford R. Macarius B. Kolk
Tenui Ecclesiam Catholicam nec dimittam.

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