Thursday, 16 February 2012

Questions Obama & Sebelius Don't Want You to Answer

The proponents of the HHS mandate are attempting to divert people's attention away from the fact that it is blatantly unconstitutional and that it threatens the very foundation and future of everything this country stands for. But I submit that the way in which they are diverting that attention is inherently self-defeating. What is the battle cry of the pro-mandate crowd?

"Why is the Catholic Church dead-set against preventive health care?"

The people who ask this question simply want you to be incensed that the Church is so "backward, idiotic, and behind the times." The very last thing they want you to do is actually think about the answer. That is precisely why I would now like to present you with that answer: because it is quite simple, logical, and, in today's culture, revolutionary. The Catholic Church, and many, many others, are against the so-called "preventive health care services" of artificial contraception, FDA-approved abortifacients, and sterilizations because, simply put, they neither prevent ill-health, nor constitute any actual form of health care. defines preventive medicine as "Medicine designed to avert and avoid disease." If contraceptives and abortifacients are to fall into this category, then their purpose must be "to avert or avoid disease." But is it? No. They are used for exactly the opposite purpose: they are used "to avert or avoid [life itself]"! I have always been taught that ingested substances used for that purpose are called poisons. It is forthis reason that the Catholic Church opposes them. The Catholic Church values life above all else, because she service the God of Life; thus she has always and shall always opposed poisons, which artificial contraceptives and abortifacients are.

As for sterilizations, they are not only undertaken to prevent life (which is the ultimate anti-disease), but they do so by taking previously healthy and properly functioning organ systems, and disrupting or ceasing their function. This, again, is not health care, it is the textbook definition of mutilation, something that true health care seeks to prevent and correct. This is why the Catholic Church also opposes sterilizations. Allow me to quote Dr. Taylor Marshall:

"Contraception is contrary to natural law. The male and female procreative organs naturally come together to procreate a child. The word procreate includes the term "create" since a new life is made. In the case of humans, a new immortal soul is created by God when the father and mother come together and conceive a new person. As Peter Kreeft said, the most holy place on earth is the altar where the Eucharist is consecrated - the second most holy place is the woman's body since it form there that new immortal souls spring forth. The procreative organs naturally function for procreation. That is why God made them as they are. To frustrate the act (interruptus or barrier) is gravely sinful. To poison the body with hormones so as to inhibit the woman's natural cycle of fertility (birth control pill) is gravely sinful. To cut out or purposefully scar procreative organs (sterilization) is gravel sinful. These acts seek to destroy what is natural."
     -"6 Reasons Contraception is Sinful and Contrary to God's Will," Canterbury Tales blog, Feb. 15, 2012.

The people who ask you, "Why does the Catholic Church oppose health care?" do not want you to realize these obvious medical facts. Their very question purports a lie. The Catholic Church not only supports actual, preventive and corrective health care, but it also, for generation upon generation, has actively created some of the most widely respected hospital and health systems throughout the entire world, including all over this country. Virtually every Catholic hospital and health system is not only known for excellence but also for compassionate service. And do you want to know why? It's because we are committed to only offering those medicines and services which actually improve health. We truly believe the Hipocratic Oath that every doctor takes, the oath that promises "to do no harm." Last time I checked, preventing the creation and implantation of human life is the very definition of harmful. Last time I checked, mutilating human organs is the text-book definition of harmful.

My wife is about to graduate from Medical School precisely because she is 100% Catholic and 100% devoted to providing quality health care to every American. She just so happens to also believe that it is wrong to do constant, daily harm to the female body, especially when the manner of doing so (e.g. "the pill") is a known cause of cancer. Look it up. Learn the truth. Oppose the wildly unconstitutional HHS Mandate.

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