Given all the outrage over the Obama Administration's absolutely unconscionable violation of every American citizen's First Amendment right to freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, I thought it would be helpful to take a step back from the talk of what's at stake, and look first at why it's at stake. It occurred to me that, as Polonius put it, "Though this be madness, there is method in't" (Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2). Or, in the case of Obama et alii, "Though this be madness, there is [even more madness] in't." From what anyone can tell, the sole intent of all the mandating that Obama and Sebelius are doing is to ensure that every single American (and more especially, every single woman) possible can have utterly unfettered access to contraception, and if that doesn't work, then to abortifacients (i.e. drugs that prevent the conceived embryo [read: microscopic baby] from safely emplanting in his/her mommy's womb), and if they'd rather not deal with those options, then to outright sterilization. Okay, fine. If someone wants these things, they're already readily available all over the country, and I can't and won't force them to stop doing/using them or to see them as wrong. That's their right human beings to make up their own minds and live with the consequences of their own choices. (That, of course, is not at all to say that I do not support those who want to re-criminalize the murder of innocent pre-born persons that we blithely refer to as "abortion.") But why the mandate the other way, why force Americans to not only see them as right, but also force every American to pay for them? Why shove all these things down our throats? Why not just let everyone believe and do whatever they want regarding these things? What's the ultimate goal behind the game plan? What's the "win" for Obama and friends?
The only end-game I can see is that he hopes to de-populate the country. (Perhaps I'm just too far-sighted. Obama probably only sees as far as the dollar signs he gets from his backers at Planned Parenthood for pushing their agenda.) I mean, think about it. What is the purpose of every one of the things he's forcing everyone to pay for? The answer: No Babies. They want as many Americans as possible to be able to have no babies. The consequence of that kind of policy is, inevitably, fewer tax-paying American citizens every year; translation: more retirees with no young, active, working-age Americans to take care of them. (Want an example of this: look at the demographics of Europe at this moment.) This leads to─oh wait, this has already happened. Ammendment: this has led to an exponentially increasing national debt as the Federal Government has no choice but to cover the ever-increasing needs of the evermore abundant (relative to the overall population, of course) unemployed Americans. It seems to me that we're already in this downward spiral, yet what is the solution of the President who has spent more than dozens (possibly all) of his predecessors combined in just four painfully-long years? Simple: his solution is apparently to increase the speed of the whirlpool that's sucking America down the drain. His solution to the problems of under-employment and an imploding economy is to torpedo the next generation at its very source─the very first moments of human life─guaranteeing that, the further into debt we get, the fewer people we'll have to pay off that debt.
I was under the impression that the role of government is to work for the good of the country, to ensure that said country has a more prosperous future than it had a past. Or, at the very minimalist least, the role of government is to ensure that said government has a country to govern in the future. Yet, this madman's mandate seems bent on the exact opposite of any of these fundamental roles of government. His sole consideration in all of this is clearly to make sure that every future as-yet-unborn American could be ensured a completely trouble-free exit-visa from planet Earth before they ever even see that planet. (For now, at least, whether their parents choose to use those exit-visas is up to us... but I don't hold out any hope that even that liberty will remain ours for long. Just look at China...) The Obama Administration mandates that we make it as easy as humanly possible for this generation of American citizens to obliterate the next generation of America citizens.
Again, either there's something I don't see that he thinks he gains from this insane blotting out of the future of this country, or he just wants to see how badly he can screw up the United States before his term(s) is/are up. Honestly, the whole thing is utterly senseless to me. There is as little rational basis for this mandate as there is in the government encouraging monogamous "marriage" between two people whose gametes are completely incompatible (resulting in 0% capacity for offspring) when the only way the government can continue to exist itself is if this generation produces offspring over which it can govern. This whole business of "reproductive freedom," which is really the hedonistic freedom from reproduction, and "'marriage' equality," which is really the divorce of marriage from its primary purpose─the creation and education of children─is incredibly short-sighted, selfish, and self-defeating because all it can lead to is the depopulation of the very same society that enforces it. There is literally no future in this mentality.
Now, all this is still just the background to the overt action of this blatantly death-minded President. In service of this nationally suicidal goal, he has now "accommodated" the religious organizations that object to providing these hateful things by telling them that 100% of all insurance policies─not the 99% or 98% that were previously required to; no, now it's fully 100%─throughout this country must now include the pill, the morning-after pill (read: abortifacient), and complete sterilization, thus removing even the pathetically narrow exemption that was previously allowed to perhaps 1% of those who object. How is this a "concession," according to the Administration? Simple. He claims that the objecting employers "will not pay" for those "services", just for all the others listed on the insurance plans (the same plans which must include the objectionable "services"). So who pays for the objectionable portion? Simple. "The insurance companies." Are they being paid directly by some agency or advocacy group that employs only those who support these "services" and garnders funds only from others who support them, so that those who object don't provide the money? Nope. They use "internal funds" which, obviously, only have one place to come from: those paying for insurance plans. Translation, 100% of Americans, whether they object to these morally questionable "services" or not, are providing the funds that will be used to pay for them. But, at least we can "feel better" about it because Obama promises that he'll insist that every single insurance company in the United States launders the money prior to filing their financial statements.
To summarize, let me say that again as simply as possible:
There's a reason Planned Parenthood (P.P.) is happy with this new "compromise": it's worse than before, includes more evil, and forces many, many more companies across this country to engage in the very same money laundering shell-game that P.P. has been using to claim that the millions that the government has been giving them yearly "aren't being used for abortions," despite the fact that they're the largest abortion provider in the country (and perhaps the world and their primary goal, every year, is to increase the number of abortions they do).
I implore you all, no matter your beliefs about contraceptives and sundry: oppose this mandate more now than you did before. If you don't want the government to be able to deny you your right to think for yourself, go to and sign the petition. President Obama has now made it undeniably clear that he doesn't just want to abolish most people's First Amendment rights, he fully intends to revoke those Constitutionally guaranteed rights for absolutely every American citizen. We must fight this atrocious law, or face the end of America as we know it... forever... in more ways than one.
The only end-game I can see is that he hopes to de-populate the country. (Perhaps I'm just too far-sighted. Obama probably only sees as far as the dollar signs he gets from his backers at Planned Parenthood for pushing their agenda.) I mean, think about it. What is the purpose of every one of the things he's forcing everyone to pay for? The answer: No Babies. They want as many Americans as possible to be able to have no babies. The consequence of that kind of policy is, inevitably, fewer tax-paying American citizens every year; translation: more retirees with no young, active, working-age Americans to take care of them. (Want an example of this: look at the demographics of Europe at this moment.) This leads to─oh wait, this has already happened. Ammendment: this has led to an exponentially increasing national debt as the Federal Government has no choice but to cover the ever-increasing needs of the evermore abundant (relative to the overall population, of course) unemployed Americans. It seems to me that we're already in this downward spiral, yet what is the solution of the President who has spent more than dozens (possibly all) of his predecessors combined in just four painfully-long years? Simple: his solution is apparently to increase the speed of the whirlpool that's sucking America down the drain. His solution to the problems of under-employment and an imploding economy is to torpedo the next generation at its very source─the very first moments of human life─guaranteeing that, the further into debt we get, the fewer people we'll have to pay off that debt.
I was under the impression that the role of government is to work for the good of the country, to ensure that said country has a more prosperous future than it had a past. Or, at the very minimalist least, the role of government is to ensure that said government has a country to govern in the future. Yet, this madman's mandate seems bent on the exact opposite of any of these fundamental roles of government. His sole consideration in all of this is clearly to make sure that every future as-yet-unborn American could be ensured a completely trouble-free exit-visa from planet Earth before they ever even see that planet. (For now, at least, whether their parents choose to use those exit-visas is up to us... but I don't hold out any hope that even that liberty will remain ours for long. Just look at China...) The Obama Administration mandates that we make it as easy as humanly possible for this generation of American citizens to obliterate the next generation of America citizens.
Again, either there's something I don't see that he thinks he gains from this insane blotting out of the future of this country, or he just wants to see how badly he can screw up the United States before his term(s) is/are up. Honestly, the whole thing is utterly senseless to me. There is as little rational basis for this mandate as there is in the government encouraging monogamous "marriage" between two people whose gametes are completely incompatible (resulting in 0% capacity for offspring) when the only way the government can continue to exist itself is if this generation produces offspring over which it can govern. This whole business of "reproductive freedom," which is really the hedonistic freedom from reproduction, and "'marriage' equality," which is really the divorce of marriage from its primary purpose─the creation and education of children─is incredibly short-sighted, selfish, and self-defeating because all it can lead to is the depopulation of the very same society that enforces it. There is literally no future in this mentality.
Now, all this is still just the background to the overt action of this blatantly death-minded President. In service of this nationally suicidal goal, he has now "accommodated" the religious organizations that object to providing these hateful things by telling them that 100% of all insurance policies─not the 99% or 98% that were previously required to; no, now it's fully 100%─throughout this country must now include the pill, the morning-after pill (read: abortifacient), and complete sterilization, thus removing even the pathetically narrow exemption that was previously allowed to perhaps 1% of those who object. How is this a "concession," according to the Administration? Simple. He claims that the objecting employers "will not pay" for those "services", just for all the others listed on the insurance plans (the same plans which must include the objectionable "services"). So who pays for the objectionable portion? Simple. "The insurance companies." Are they being paid directly by some agency or advocacy group that employs only those who support these "services" and garnders funds only from others who support them, so that those who object don't provide the money? Nope. They use "internal funds" which, obviously, only have one place to come from: those paying for insurance plans. Translation, 100% of Americans, whether they object to these morally questionable "services" or not, are providing the funds that will be used to pay for them. But, at least we can "feel better" about it because Obama promises that he'll insist that every single insurance company in the United States launders the money prior to filing their financial statements.
To summarize, let me say that again as simply as possible:
The pathetically narrow exemption in the original HHS mandate has been completely revoked. Now the full 100% of all insurance plans everywhere in the U.S. must include the morally objectionable content (contraception, abortifacient drugs, and sterilization). And, to top it all off, he's added yet another morally objectionable (and, in point of fact, illegal) practice to the nation-wide mandate: forced nation-wide money laundering.
There's a reason Planned Parenthood (P.P.) is happy with this new "compromise": it's worse than before, includes more evil, and forces many, many more companies across this country to engage in the very same money laundering shell-game that P.P. has been using to claim that the millions that the government has been giving them yearly "aren't being used for abortions," despite the fact that they're the largest abortion provider in the country (and perhaps the world and their primary goal, every year, is to increase the number of abortions they do).
I implore you all, no matter your beliefs about contraceptives and sundry: oppose this mandate more now than you did before. If you don't want the government to be able to deny you your right to think for yourself, go to and sign the petition. President Obama has now made it undeniably clear that he doesn't just want to abolish most people's First Amendment rights, he fully intends to revoke those Constitutionally guaranteed rights for absolutely every American citizen. We must fight this atrocious law, or face the end of America as we know it... forever... in more ways than one.
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